CUNICULTURE Magazine Volume 37 (année 2010) pages  xxx à xxx

Lebas F.
Cuniculture Corronsac


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I am also happy to announce that a new programme is being developed to assist rabbit scientists from lesser developed countries (LDC’s). We are all aware of the general lack of scientific rigor of experiments conducted and reported from LDC’s. In most cases, the fault is not the scientist but rather the environment. This problem generally stems from limited training and resources (e.g., knowledge and technical language skills, poor quality diets and breeding stock, small operating budgets and limited staff, research, and travel monies). You may trust that the WRSA council is highly sensitive of the special needs of LDC scientists in their mission to promote rabbit production to help feed a hungry world.


Logo de l'ASFC   Based on recent and numerous discussions and approval by the WRSA executive council, we believe that it would be useful to create a programme consisting of discipline coordinators with the charge of assisting scientists within disciplines with a free tutorial service. To be clear, the purpose of the programme is to freely share expertise and provide guidance to scientists to do good research, write strong papers for refereed journals (preferably World Rabbit Science), and present high quality papers at conferences.
    I am also happy to announce that a new programme is being developed to assist rabbit scientists from lesser developed countries (LDC’s). We are all aware of the general lack of scientific rigor of experiments conducted and reported from LDC’s. In most cases, the fault is not the scientist but rather the environment. This problem generally stems from limited training and resources (e.g., knowledge and technical language skills, poor quality diets and breeding stock, small operating budgets and limited staff, research, and travel monies). You may trust that the WRSA council is highly sensitive of the special needs of LDC scientists in their mission to promote rabbit production to help feed a hungry world.
    I am also happy to announce that a new programme is being developed to assist rabbit scientists from lesser developed countries (LDC’s). We are all aware of the general lack of scientific rigor of experiments conducted and reported from LDC’s. In most cases, the fault is not the scientist but rather the environment. This problem generally stems from limited training and resources (e.g., knowledge and technical language skills, poor quality diets and breeding stock, small operating budgets and limited staff, research, and travel monies). You may trust that the WRSA council is highly sensitive of the special needs of LDC scientists in their mission to promote rabbit production to help feed a hungry world.
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